
Being in the "Now"

ネイティブが使う "out of" を使った idiom 25個



今回は "out of " を使ったイディオムについて学びました。




1. out of the question (問題外、話にならない、論外、まったくもって不可能)

impossible, unacceptable

it's not acceptable, it can't happen, it's not going to happen

ex) Because I don't have enough money, buying a new car is out of the question.


2. out of the blue (思いがけなく、いきなり、突然、前触れなく)


if something happens unexpectedly and you're surprised by it, it happend out of the blue

ex) Out of the blue she told me that she was moving to New York.


3.  out of line (失礼な言動をする、常識を欠く、言い過ぎる)

If someone behaves inappropriately, disrepectflly or rudely, they are out of line

ex) His behavior was completely out of line last night.


4. out of my league (分不相応なもの、格の違う人、高嶺の花)

you can say "I'm his league" or "out of her league"

When someone is out of your league, you think that they are somehow better than you or superior to you, maybe they are more intteligent or more beautiful, they are out of my league

ex) He is nervous to ask her out because he thinks she is out of his league.


Usually this expression is used for romantic relationshps, but it can also be used for other situations. 恋愛の場面で使われることが多いが他の場面でも使われている。

ex) I felt out of my league in that classroom everyone seemed so much smarter than me.


5. out of nowhere (突然どこからともなく)

suddenly, unexpectedly

ex) The car came out of nowhere and we almost had an accident.


6. out of order (故障中)

not working correctly, not working properly

ex) Let's take the stairs the elevator is out of order.


 7. out of place (場違い、不適当)

to feel or look different from other people in a specific place

If you feel uncomfortable in a situation maybe you feel different or you look different from everyone else in a room, you can say " I feel out of place".

ex) He looked out of place wearing a suit and tie at the beach party.


 8. out of shape (体型が崩れている、運動不足、体調不良)

not phisically strong, not fit, not in a healthy condition

ex) I need to start exercising because I'm out of shape.


  9. out of the loop (蚊帳の外、人の輪から外れて)

not informed, not having the information that everyone else has

When you don't have all of the facts and all of the information that the rest of the people around you do, you are out of the loop.

ex) Tell me why he god fired. I'm out of the loop.


 10. out of breath (息を切らせて)

When you have difficutly breathing after exercising heavily you're out of breath.

ex) I ran so fast and now I'm out of breath.


11.  out of character (普段の振る舞いと違って、柄にもない、その人らしくない)

When someone behaves differently than usual, differently than their normal personality, you say that "that's out of character".

It's not he usually doe, it's not the way he usually is.

ex) His impolite behavior last night was completely out of character.


12. out of the way (不便な場所にある、人里離れた)

inconvenient, far away, difficult to get to

ex) Let's meet somewhere closer because that restaurant is out of the way


 13. out of this world (この世のものとは思えないほど素晴らしい、天下一品)

amazing, fantastic, great

ex) Her mother's cooking is out of this world.


 14. out of touch (連絡を取っていない、音信不通)

not communicating each other

ex) I don't know where he lives. We've been out of touch for a while.


 15. out of turn (軽率に不適切なことを言う)

to say something that you're not supposed to say, and make people upset, you have no right to say and maybe it upsets other people

ex) I'm sorry if I spoke out of turn at the meeting.


 16. out of pocket (自分の金で、自腹で)

When you have to pay your own money because your company doesn't pay for it or your insurance doesn't pay for it, you pay out of pocket.

ex) He has excellent health insurance and he doesn't need to pay anything out of pocket.


 17. out of ordinary (並外れた、異常な)

unusual, different, strange, not the same as everybody else

ex) His style is a bit out of ordinary.


 18. out of your mind (気が狂った、まともじゃない)


ex) You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to do that.


19. out of practice (練習不足で腕がなまっている)

When your skill level goes down because you haven't been practicing,  you're out of practice.

ex) Please don't ask me to play the piano tonight. I'm out of practice.


 20. out of the picture (関係ない)

no longer involved, not there anymore

no longer in the situation, no longer in a relationship, the're not there anymore

ex) She is dating a new guy. The old guy is out of the picture.


 21. out of my budget (予算オーバー)

too expensive for me

ex) I need to find a less expensive car because this one is out of my budget.

この車は予算オーバーだからもっと安い車を探さないと 。

 22. out of my hands (手に負えない、私の手の及ぶところではない)

out of my control

I have no contril over the situation.

I'm not in control. I can't make the decisions.

 ex) I wish I could help you but it's out of my hands.


 23. out of the frying pan and into the fire (一難去ってまた一難)

going from the bad situation to an even worse situation

ex) I know you hate your job but if you quit you'll be going to out of the frying pan and into the fire


 24. out of control (手が付けられない、制御不能

no order, no rules are followed, chaotic

When everything around you is crazy and no one in charge and no one is following the roles, things have gotten out of control

ex) The new teacher didn't know how to discipline the students. They were out of control.


25. out of (不足して)

no more left 

ex) We have no more gas ------ The car is out of gas


ex) I have to finish this video because I have out of time
